
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Almost 50 Percent of Voters Think Illegal Immigration Will Increase Under a Harris Presidency

A new survey finds 47% of American voters believe that illegal immigration will increase if Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the president.

The survey by the Napolitan News Service also showed 60% of those surveyed believed that illegal immigration would likely decrease under GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.


  1. More than 50% of voters are illegal immigrants.

  2. There's no such thing in law as an illegal immigrant, nor any other gobbledygook phrases made up to imply foreign nationals have some right to be here. They don't.

    An immigrant is someone in process of becoming a citizen of this country, and would have a visa allowing them to be here. A migrant is also a non-citizen, a foreign national, but who has a visa allowing them to be here to work.

    May I live long enough to piss on the graves of The Tennessee Star employees.

    1. You didn't mention the proper term is illegal alien. Otherwise, thank you for saying.

    2. "Replacement Army' is more accurate.

  3. With the 12,000,000 illegals arriving here in the past 3.5 years, giving them each a $150,000 'down payment' on a house that means that you suckers, oops, American Citizen taxpayers need to cough up a lousy $ 1,800,000,000,000 or $1.8 TRILLION to pay for it.
    Oh, and if you have not been able to figure it out all by yourselves, the illegals will be buying YOUR home because YOU no longer can afford it.
    But go ahead, vote for Kamalalala because you know, No Mean Tweets.

  4. ". . . 47% of American voters believe that illegal immigration will increase if Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the president."

    And the other 53% do too, but they hate Trump so much they don't care.

  5. The other 50% know illegal invaders will increase under kamel toe

  6. Recently Kamel Toe announced she's come up with a brilliant novel idea about something that Trump was too stupid to think of and that's building a wall on the southern border to stop the current illegal immigrant situation. My God, she's so ahead of the curve.

  7. And the other 50% are complete idiots in total denial.


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