
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For Tim Walz, a Pattern of Prevarications Stretches Back Almost Two Decades

When Tim Walz launched his 2006 campaign for Congress in rural Minnesota, he boasted in his public biography that in 1993, he "was named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his service in the education, military, and small business communities." That was not true.

It was a small lie about a minor honor, but for Walz it was part of a pattern of deceit and embellishment that helped pave the way from high school teacher to Congress to the Minnesota governor's mansion and now, should the Democrats win in November, to the vice presidency.



  2. Mendacious, valor stealing asswipe. In other words, a politician.

  3. Prevarications, that's another word for "fucking lies"...

  4. Hell, at this point he should just cop Steve Martin's line from "The Jerk" for a campaign speech: "I was born a poor black child", his constituency would eat it up.

  5. Based upon my knowledge of the Army promotion system, it is fairly obvious that Mr. Walz did not meet the criteria required to retain the rank of Command Sergeant Major and he goddamned well knows it. For him to use that title to aggrandize himself while running for public office is, in fact, a case of stolen valor. He is a miserable retch and should be held to account for his action. My oldest son has a CIB and a CAB. My stepson has a CAB and a Purple Heart. Mr. Walz walked away from men like that while serving as the senior enlisted man in the battalion. I do not recall a more cowardly act in my 22 years of active duty service. The man is a piece of shit worthy of zero respect. First Sergeant James T. Fortney, USA (Ret)

    1. You nailed it, Top. Thank you. Senior NCOs are supposed to lead by example.

    2. None of the enlistment contracts I signed had anything about me bailing out if my unit was going to deploy or I decided to run for Congress.

    3. Hey Top, thanks for your service and for raising men who serve with honor.

    4. Ditto to all the above. The first prerequisite to be a democrat is that you have to be fucking, pathological liar. I looked forward to being deployed. BMCS (E-8 for you Army folk)

  6. Imagine, Tampon Tim lies!

  7. 'prevarications' my * it for what it is, he's a damn liar

  8. Joe Biden; liar
    Kamala Harris: liar
    Bernie Sanders: liar
    Justin Trudeau: liar
    Nancy Pelosi: liar
    Chrystia Freeland: liar
    Adam Schiff: liar
    Chuck Schumer: liar
    Emanuel Macron: liar
    Tim Walz lies because it is the only way to fit in with the rest of the Commies.

    1. No, tampon Timmy fits in Because he lies., not the other way around. When it comes to cojones he's hung like a chigger.

  9. Did he or did he not chug a quart of horse semen?

    1. Likely in a contest with Kamala - he drank from a glass and she went directly to source.

  10. And yet he was re-elected as Governor. Incredible.

    1. Didn't Minnesota also elect Al "Dull Normal" Franken as a U.S. Senator?
      I know one of those Scandinavian states did, but don't have time to look it up right now.

  11. Walz is a Demonrat. Demonrats have only one method of communication. They lie. They're like the Russians from the Soviet era. They lie. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They lie any way. ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (modified slightly)

    They lie even when telling the truth would serve them better.

    This brings into question the sanity of people who vote Demonrat, IN BLOCKS, like Blacks, Jews and union workers. What has the Demonrat party done for any of those voting blocks in the last 100-150 years except piss on their leg and tell them its raining while DEMANDING that they all vote Demonrat?

    Remember what LBJ said after the 1972 Civil Rights Act was passed.

    Just like in more local elections. In my state, a long time governor and a long time U.S. Rep for my district are retiring. The governor is term limited. All of the Demonrats that are running to replace both of those positions are ALL running on one issue. Abortion, even while abortion is legal in this state. It is legal FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF PREGNANCY for any reason and after that until term, if the child or the mother is determined to be in danger. The Demonrats are communicating the issue like abortion is TOTALLY against the law here, in other words they're lying.

    Yet, almost half the state will vote for the candidates championing abortion because they believe the liars and are too lazy to do some actual research on the candidates positions on any matters including abortion.

    The reason these candidates are championing the abortion issue?

    Because Trump is running for President. The candidates are signing on to the false narrative, disseminated by and probably invented by the media, that Trump is going to get a national abortion ban law passed, once he's elected.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well fed by a complicit media who also wouldn't know or report the truth if it slapped them upside the head.


    1. "Remember what LBJ said after the 1972 Civil Rights Act was passed."
      I remember which party fought it and Brown v. Board of Education tooth and nail, for thirty years.


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