
Friday, August 02, 2024

And his friends will be laughing about it for years

A man from Athens, Ill. faces multiple charges after assaulting an EMS worker and more during an incident of public indecency on Old Troy Road in Glen Carbon.

Daniel G. Adams Jr., 43, of Athens, Ill., was charged with aggravated assault of an EMS worker (a Class 4 felony), public indecency (a Class A misdemeanor), obstructing a peace officer (a Class A misdemeanor) and being a pedestrian under influence of alcohol or drugs (a petty offense).


  1. We got 2 options: 1- The EMS workers to have social worker training so that they could deesculate the conflict. 2- They should be armed so they can shoot the mother fucker. I'm inclined to opt for #2

    1. That EMS worker has plenty of options in the back of that rig. The last thing she (there I said it) needs is a firearm I. Close quarters of a moving vehicle with compressed gas cylinders and RV thickness walls. Where is the bullet going to go? I did the job for 15 years, and have had my share of "salty customers". You wack the shit out of em with your clipboard or whatever else is handy, and pull the fuck over , get your partner, and call for fucking backup - which in this case should be following you in to the hospital.

      Arrested patients are supposed to be restrained, especially if they are intoxicated and possibly violent. This was 99 percent the fault of the EMS worker for not doing her job and securing the patient.I always opposed arming EMS, because we don't want to be mistaken for cops. Nobody likes cops, but they usually don't get hostile with fire or EMS.... unless you're an asshole. If the scene is not safe, wait until it is. Rule #2 is that "it's not your emergency".

      Oh yeah....keep your scissors in your belt behind your back, not in the little pocket in your pants. Don't give the patient easy access to a weapon.

  2. things just get curious and curiouser.

  3. Only going to comment on one of the charges: "being a pedestrian under influence of alcohol or drugs (a petty offense)." Yes, an incredibly petty offense that only an incredibly petty person would consider bringing.

    1. And the petty offense was probably what caused the more serious offenses..... or he is just an Ahole

  4. Keep B-52 in pocket for these ones. Can always waste later.


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