
Friday, August 02, 2024

It appears that the population of RBS is down by two this weekend

Two men were arrested last week after vandalizing Red Boiling Springs City property while attempting to break into city hall. 

According to the affidavit of complaints filed by Interim RBS Police Chief Jeffery Maynard, he was contacted by dispatch regarding two men attempting to break into RBS City Hall on July 20, 2024. 


RBS is the only other town in Macon County, about 10 miles thataway. The population is 1215 1213 souls at last count.
I've been here over 8 years and I've been to RBS maybe a half dozen times, and every one of those were for dump runs because that's where the County transfer station is. Matter of fact, I was there yesterday for just that reason. Other than that, I've got no business there. 
Seems like a nice enough little town, though. Its claim to fame is an abundance of (you guessed it) hot mineral springs in the area that used to draw in the tourists from all over during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The different baths supposedly had different medicinal values. There's still a couple of the old hotels still operating there, the best known one being the Donahoe Hotel.
The only other thing it's known for is its entire police force, all 4 or 5 of them, quitting en masse every so often.


  1. What stood out to me was the was 82 degree temperature on the top of the page.. It's 97 and humid here right now

    1. Yeah, it cooled down pretty good here today. It was humid as fuck, though. Yesterday it was 91 and 97% humidity.

  2. Now I really want to know why they all quit. And more than ONCE? There's a story there. Is the city manager a real bitch? Are they not happy about the amount of bribes they're getting? Are there not enough opportunities for dealing drugs?

    Or maybe the budget for equipment is only 50% of what it should be? What gives? And apparently gives repeatedly?

    John G.

    1. From what I've heard, it's the mayor that causes it. One of the ex-cops told me it was his way or the highway.


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