
Thursday, August 29, 2024

And now it's time to say goodbye

A Florida man convicted of killing a college freshman and raping the student's sister while the siblings camped in a national forest 30 years ago is scheduled to be executed Thursday.

Unless the U.S. Supreme Court intervenes, Loran Cole is set to be put to death just after 6 p.m. at Florida State Prison for the 1994 killing. Cole is also serving two life sentences for rape.


  1. I wish that executions weren't quick and painless...

    1. Firing squad is inexpensive and effective. But a length of good rope, although costing more for the initial investment, is recyclable. We have to respect the environment!!! (Sarcasm switch off). The sole criterion for an appeal should be whether they have the right guy and whether he committed the crime. No BS that the POS will feel pain, or the drugs used are not FDA approved, or that the jury didn’t take into account that the POS was raised by a single mother, or that they were rayciss n’ sheeit, etc. The appeals court should review all the evidence, ensure that the jury made the right decision, and if everything is in order, green light the execution.

    2. If the drop is far enough, hanging will rip the head off. Evidently that’s what happened to one of Saddam Hussein’s compatriots when he was executed. I bet that was something to see.

    3. I like the recycle rope idea but don't snap the neck. To show our mercy after twenty minutes or so let a family member go up an tug on his shit covered leg.

    4. Maybe some Drano in one of the IVs

    5. There's a formula where weight /length of drop / amount of rope needed determines a broken neck instead of decapitation.
      Probably not many mathematicians in the bureau of prisons.

  2. 30 years. Lawyers that are zealots. Endless appeals.

  3. It is my guess his illnesses will resolve themselves once he is executed. So he wont have to worry about that.

  4. So the asshole was beating and raped as a kid. Does that mean he liked it so much he decided to share? Time to take out the garbage and about time.

  5. Yeah, that MF should have been kilt a LONG time ago.

  6. Don't worry Loran, it's rumored to be a "dry heat".
    - WDS

  7. Poor kids. These guys should have been dealt with long ago.

  8. This piece of shit should have had his ticket punched 30 years ago.

  9. As of today, Loran Cole was arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced 30 years, 6 months, and 11 days ago. I submit that being on death row for over thirty years is cruel and unusual punishment.

    In my own not-so-humble opinion, if I'm certain we've got the right perpetrator, I'd give him three days to get his affairs in order, then employ a firing squad in its primary office. I'd ask for volunteers who would bring their own rifle and ammunition - and not have a problem with putting this piece of garbage in the ground.

    Mad Jack

  10. The only problem I have with this is that the people who beat and raped him as a kid were given a pass because they were government employees. Rape deserves the death penalty but the ones in authority who abused the kid and turned him into a killer are even more deserving of the death penalty.

  11. Why does it take so long to put these animals to death? After trial, 1 week tops.

  12. They should sell raffle tickets for who gets to flip the switch.

  13. As a former reloader I would say ammo is somewhat recyclable. Just sayin

  14. Public gallows, a few short steps from the jurors.

  15. A forestry mulcher would be a good tool. That or a tub grinder if you have a bunch to do at once.


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