
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fucking ghouls

An Indiana couple are behind bars after they allowed a septuagenarian man to slowly die in his own excrement on a couch in a seldom-visited room of their house, authorities in the Hoosier State allege.

The wife in the case is the victim’s daughter; the husband, the victim’s son-in-law — and police claim the elderly man’s filthy, protracted death was enabled, in part, to purloin his Social Security checks.


  1. Hell is this waiting for alot of people......

  2. Duct tape them to a couch and walk away for a month.

  3. Have children they said. They will take care of you when you get old they said... Not so much

  4. Southern indiana folks are different

  5. We have taken in and are caring for my 86 year old mom in law.
    While she can occasionally be a real handful, it is beyond my comprehension how anyone could treat an old person this way.

  6. Imagine what a better(and smaller) population we would have if these type of people were simply eliminated with no jury, no trial, no fanfare. We need the gene pool cleaned up.

    1. Bring three body bags and two bullets. Have the decision (trial) right there in the living room.

  7. That gal looks like too many miles of bad road.

  8. Cautionary tale. Have seen it play out many times. Plan ahead.

  9. Their photos say a lot- not exactly Mensa candidates-

  10. I jokingly tell my kids "when I'm too old to walk up the stairs, then it's time to push me down the stairs"- I probably shouldn't have said that-

  11. Made me think of Joe being in that position. Believe me I wouldn't put it past Jill & Hunter, but I still think it would be evil even if it happened to Brandon.

  12. Can you imagine being in the cell with that witch? My mother used to say there will be a hotter place in hell for folks like these two.

  13. Do you know what a Stokes Litter is?
    Put them both in a Stokes litter, put another on top, and zip tie the litters together.
    Hang it from the tire chain rack under a semi trailer and spend a day driving on gravel roads.
    Repeat continuously until both problems are solved.


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