
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Modern solutions for modern problems

Tired of being a victim of repeated mail theft, a Santa Barbara County woman laid her own trap to catch those responsible for ripping her off.

The unidentified woman kept a mailbox at the Los Alamos Post Office in the Santa Maria Valley and had been the victim of mail theft on multiple occasions, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.


Not once does the article mention how the thieves stole her mail from a locked PO Box inside of the post office. 
Were they postal employees? Were they friends with an employee? Were they picking the lock?  Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. 1. Post office. Every time I receive a birthday or other greeting card, it comes pre sliced open and neatly taped shut again. And
    2. I'm surprised the cops even responded. Acquaintance had had his SUV stolen while he was in the shops. Was later reported going south on I75 at over 100mph. Cops couldn't be bothered, and just told him it was 'totaled.' He had it tagged, and tracked it himself. He stole it back.

  2. I would also like to know why the woman's bail is less than the man's. A lot less. It sounds like they were a team in all thefts. Equal rights should include equal punishment.

    1. Exactly. Women get something like 60% of the time for the exact same crime. It's all that patriarchy floating around.

  3. If it was stolen from the Post Office, isn't that a Federal crime?
    If so, why is it "Under investigation by the Sherriff's office", instead of being prosecuted by the Feds.

    1. Yes, the Postal Inspection Service should be leading this investigation. The penalties for mail theft pale in comparison to the state crimes. For example, stealing the pen in the post office can get you three years.

    2. After I got out of the Army in 1969, I got a night job at a Post Office bulk mail sorting facility. Very large warehouse-like building, but it had an 'office' area, with some small mirrored windows high up near the ceiling. One night, arriving for work, I saw several people being led out in handcuffs. This was back in the days of record clubs, and they had been stealing the LPs.

  4. Also not mentioned, the charges of a Federal crime of messing w/the mail in the first place.

  5. Knowing the demographics of many USPS employees these days they were on an extended banana break.

  6. I am surprised the police cooperated with her. cops are mostly useless

  7. I had a $2800 check sent to me stolen & cashed in late 2022. My client was reimbursed by Truist, who took it up with the USPS. A USPS POC was arrested and sentenced to 2 years.

  8. Open your box, reach through and into boxes above, to the side or below your box. The larger ones some folks can almost climb through.

  9. kind of weird, did the job of postal guy for 3 years in the army- weekends only. got off the CQ list. anyway,
    never once did I think of stealing someone's mail. now a days, I get my meds at the window as the ones that get mailed sometimes never make it here (???)
    and before when we had a postal box, it was a iffy thing if you got your mail/bills or not
    when we started here, had a marine guy, mail was in the box by 9am every day
    since then, it been a long line of weird people, lots of tats and metal inn spots that look like it hurt a lot to do ? dave in pa.


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