
Friday, August 16, 2024

Biden Administration Tried to Tax Tips Prior to Harris Following Trump with ‘No Tax on Tips’

The Biden-Harris administration tried improve tax compliance on tips prior to Vice President Kamala Harris’ following Trump with a vow to end tax on tips.

In 2023, the Treasury Department introduced the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program to “take advantage of advancements in point-of-sale, time and attendance systems, and electronic payment settlement methods to improve tip reporting compliance.”


  1. A lot of people with purple hair will not be aware of this. Sadly, those same folks don’t often check this blog…..

  2. This is why I tip in cash, even if I pay by card...

    1. Same here, and I tell them I'm doing it that way to keep the government out of their back pockets.

    2. Also, I want that tip to go to my server, not into a pool that ALL the staff divvy up.

  3. I got a tip for Kamala and she can gladly take it as long as she removes her dentures first.

  4. She's currently VP of the United States. Why in hell isn't she putting all of these 'campaign promises' into action today instead of promising them after the election? IMNSHO she should be campaigning on the currently implemented policies of her own administration...

    I think it would be funny if Monika Lewinsky ran for president against both KH and DJT. Monica's campaign slogan could be "Don't limit yourself to a mayors desk, you can get ahead in the oval office, too."

    1. Is she still working at that cigar store?


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