
Friday, August 16, 2024

The Disaster Lottery

What we are facing is greater than war, greater than civil war, greater than genocide, greater than worldwide migration, greater than being conquered; it’s greater than recession or depression, dispossession, bankruptcy or collapse. It’s even greater than famine or disease. It’s all of these things at the same time. Either this is a coordinated effort by numerous nations across the globe, the maladministration of global elites (who have their fingers in everything) or some sort of mass psychosis. I don’t totally rule out a combination of these forces, either.


  1. Good citizens, remain calm and don't get your knickers in a twist over this seemingly dire set of circumstances. Mother Nature is in absolute control of the situation. The "extinction of stupid humans" plan is coming together faster than expected.

  2. Its the fuckin commies!!!

  3. y'know, some paranoids have 20/20 vision and some sheep can't see beyond their nose


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