
Friday, August 16, 2024

California lawmakers resurrect controversial bill allowing early release for some felons serving life without parole

After being shelved for nearly a year, California lawmakers in the Assembly dusted off a controversial, proposed law that will allow some convicted felons serving life without parole to petition for early release.

The proposal would create a process for those offenders to have their prison sentences reduced if they've been behind bars for at least 25 years or since 1990, including those convicted of murder. Serial killers and those who have killed police officers would not be eligible.


Early release and Life without parole..... am I the only one that thinks those two phrases shouldn't even be in the same fucking sentence?


  1. You could stop this type of bullshit if they enacted a law that required the released felon to live with members of the parole board for a period of one year.

  2. Another appeasement policy for the Liberal's living in guarded mansions "we need to feel good" assholes. They believe in "OK yea he murdered 5 kids, but society made him do it but he's more than paid his dues and we know any serial killer can be reformed and live in freedom"

    The extra crime that they will commit can then be directly blamed on Orange Man Bad.

  4. Brilliant! Perhaps they will further cull some idiots from the gene pool

  5. Idea. Early release for life without parole = eating a lead pill that's traveling at about 1100 fps.

  6. No, you're not the only one.

    1. "Early release of a person sentenced to life without parole" is indeed the ultimate oxymoronic statement.

  7. So killing a police officer would not be an eligible pardon and let the killer be released? Why is California now saying that a cop's life is worth more than an ordinary citizen?
    I got married in Las Vegas, in 1992. That is as close as I will ever get to entering the state of California, in my life.

  8. It’s normal.
    What the fuck else can you say, California and all.


  9. No, you aren't alone. WTF does 'life without parole' even mean these days??? Maybe we should pray for a 9.8 earthquake centered 180 miles north of LA.

    1. I always thought that the country would be better off if the "big one" hit and turned Nevada into oceanfront

  10. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 17, 2024 at 5:07 PM

    Right there with you Wirecutter. And from what I hear, they don't even inform the families when they turn one of these SOB's loose.


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