
Friday, August 16, 2024

Border Patrol Suffers Major Setback As Conviction of Agent Murder Is Overturned

The southern border has become an unforgiving battleground under the Biden-Harris administration. Since they took office, illegal crossings and violent encounters have surged, turning what was already a difficult job for Border Patrol agents into a near-impossible one. The tragic loss of life among these brave men and women is a painful reminder of the chaos that has been allowed to fester. 

The violence at the border isn’t just a statistic or a talking point; it’s a reality that impacts families and communities. The Biden administration’s lax approach to border security has only made matters worse, leaving our agents on the front lines to face increasingly dangerous situations. One such case, which highlights the high cost of this neglect, is the heartbreaking story of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.


  1. The name is familiar because he was the victim of Obama's operation gun walker, that told FFL holders to allow for straw purchases in order to prove that most of the illegal guns that were used in Mexico come from the U.S.
    The thing that continues to scare me is that Kamala actually could become our next president. I have already made plans in case that happens. My wife is the type who just cannot see the danger. I have to make sure that we are prepared if such an event happens. The level of danger to Americans on all levels just can't be overestimated.

    1. They are at our ten yard line, first down. Our defense is busy putting on makup.

    2. "Our defense is busy putting on makup."
      Or breastfeeding...

  2. The judges made a decision that a foreign national with a lawyer in a foreign country has 5th and 6th amendment rights because he was questioned by U.S. officials. My guess is that the lawyers for GITMO detainees will be filing for the cases to be reheard.

  3. Sadly I feel the need to pack a bag, fill some canteens, and set up with a rifle in the shade. Thank the Good Lord I am not an officer in position.


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