
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Biden says ‘America has become safer’ since he, Vice President Harris took office

President Joe Biden claims that “America has become safer” since he and Vice President Kamala Harris took office. 

In a statement issued by the White House on Sunday, Biden cited preliminary data in two separate reports indicating “historic lows” in violent crime in the first half of 2024 as proof that he and his administration are working to curb violent crime rates across America, which have been falling since the 1990s, according to the Pew Research Center. 


  1. America safer? Like in 1984, truth are lies, lies are truth. Shocka, 50+% of the American population will believe it and vote for Kamala. because plain and simple they are emotionally reacting ignorant assholes who only want to feel go.

  2. Well, I guess he's safer as all his residences have fences around them. Trump and the rest of us, not so much!

  3. This is data from a government that gives you no truth.

  4. Safer for democrats and illegal aliens. their self avowed enemies, not so much. Crazy things happen when you de-fund police and stop prosecuting crime.

  5. The communist pravda attempts at gaslighting is at a all time high....
    Election year violence and insane BS by life long career politicians are going to increase

  6. Most of the major Blue cities and boroughs have stopped reporting violent crime to the FBI's reporting and data collection center. So yeah, the numbers are down. The violence is up.

  7. Safer?
    Only because more people than ever are buying guns to protect themselves.

  8. Well, Mexico has less criminals in it now that so many of theirs are now here. So, since Mexico is in central America, puddinghead Joe is technically right.

  9. Hang on, Imma check with Laken Riley. BRB

  10. One thing about ole Joe, he consistent. Lies consistently


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