
Thursday, August 01, 2024

A parody ad shared by Elon Musk clones Kamala Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

A video that uses an artificial intelligence voice-cloning tool to mimic the voice of Vice President Kamala Harris saying things she did not say is raising concerns about the power of AI to mislead with Election Day about three months away. 

The video gained attention after tech billionaire Elon Musk shared it on his social media platform X on Friday without explicitly noting it was originally released as parody.


I don't know how to tell them this but she babbles so much nonsense, I assume everything she says is parody.


  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's completely serious. Its just that the repetitive thoughts are racing around in that tiny brain like hamsters on a wheel.

  2. Stupid is now demanding a trigger warning for anything that is clearly satire. Seems the lunatics need to be taught the difference between reality and satire on a moment to moment basis.

    1. Shit, they all live in a fantasy world anyway.

  3. Well said my friends!
    CPO Greg

  4. Maybe the goofy bit has been a many decade long charade and now she'll revert back to her natural state of a coherent cross between Nurse Ratched and Ilse Koch.

  5. EVERYTHING said in the parody was TRUE...that's how you know it wasn't Kumswallow.

  6. The video is here:

    It is obviously not intended to fool anybody.

  7. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 1, 2024 at 6:42 PM

    Did you see Cameltoe's response ad? They depict Trump voters as sweaty and overweight red necks. What a bunch of jokers in the deck!


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