
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Commentary: Harris, Walz Seek to Up-End True ‘Choice’ for Pregnant Women

Vice-presidential picks generally balance a ticket, but Kamala Harris’ selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate does anything but. And American Catholics and others who care about the poor and vulnerable should be alarmed.

Consider their attacks against their states’ life-affirming pregnancy care centers. For me, this issue is more than political. It’s personal. Like many Catholics across the country, I volunteer at our local pregnancy centers. I’m the medical director for the centers run by the Archdiocese of Miami and I read their fetal ultrasounds. Helping families and expectant mothers through my work there is one of the most rewarding ways in which I practice medicine.


  1. The only effective answer to this, "cutting the baby in half", conundrum is totally ditching pre-natal abortions and going with copious post-natal ones.

    1. Post-natal abortion is called murder and is already illegals in every state

  2. Anyone who supports and votes for this garbage bag blowjob dumbass and it's campaign partners should be removed from the country and deposited into Cuba yesterday..

  3. Typical communist "the party's way only" BS. They always seek to harm anyone who disagrees. As they pile up sacrifices to Satan believing it gives them power and standing in Hell.


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