
Monday, August 19, 2024

Crime-filled Chicago displays all that’s wrong with Democrats in one failing city

If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago,” then run for the hills.

After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens. 


  1. You're misunderstanding all of this.
    Democrats are PROUD of what they have done to Chicago so they want to showcase their accomplishments.
    Democrat voters are gonna LOVE it.

  2. Lived there 1953-63, attended Ebinger Elementary K-5. Outstanding school back then. Doubt it is now.

    1. You doubt it, but I am sure in the eyes of the democrats as long as the school delivers sheep, it IS OUTSTANDING.

  3. Shamelessly stolen from a comment by YankeBubba over at Diogenes' Middle Finger:

    Did Systemic RAYcism make Chicago a 3rd World Cesspool/$#!THOLE?

    Not exactly; to wit (2019):

    1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020; the race of nearly every shooter and homicide (97.7%) were the same.
    2. The Chicago mayor is a black democrat.
    3. The Superintendent of Police is a black democrat.
    4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is a black democrat
    5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is a black democrat
    6. The Illinois AG is a black democrat.
    7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is a black democrat
    8. The Cook County Board President is a black democrat.
    9. The State Senate Majority Leader is a black democrat.
    10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is a black democrat.
    11. The Illinois Secretary of State is a black democrat.
    12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is a black democrat.
    13. The Cook County Clerk is a black democrat.
    14. The Chicago Treasurer is a black democrat.
    15. The Chicago Police Board President is a black democrat.
    16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is a black democrat.
    17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is a black democrat.
    18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is a black democrat.
    19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black democrat Caucus; their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay.
    *Republican head count in the City Council? ZERO.
    William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931. For 93 years democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office, and, it would appear, everything else. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000!

    Sensing a trend….?

    Bubba sure does!

  4. Look at the results in Democrat run cities and you'll see the intentions. Those cities are not destroyed by accident or incompetence. They want it like this.

  5. It’s the blacks.
    Just like Africa. A giant shithole filled with them. Not a Democrat in sight.

  6. In Chicongo you don't need a permit to build a mud hut.


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