
Friday, August 16, 2024

Daily marijuana use linked to high risk of certain cancers, study finds

NEW YORK -- Using marijuana daily for years may raise the overall risk of head and neck cancers three- to five-fold, according to a new study that analyzed millions of medical records.

"Our research shows that people who use cannabis, particularly those with a cannabis use disorder, are significantly more likely to develop head and neck cancers compared to those who do not use cannabis," said senior study author Dr. Niels Kokot, a professor of clinical otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.


  1. It is absolutely NOT the vaccine. In NO way does the vaccine have anything to do with this cancer that spreads really fast.


    these people are insane.

    1. They’re also wondering why so many people under 25 are getting cancer, it’s a mystery!

    2. The 56 year old former CEO of Google recently died. She was fully vaxxed and boosted and died of cancer less than two years after being diagnosed. She was running Google when they were squelching any 'misinformation' about Covid and the vaccines.

      Smart enough to run Google, not smart enough to think for herself. Too bad, so sad.

  2. Boolean Logic: If true, then IM-A-goner

  3. Shit, everything gives you cancer. Can't live life afraid to do anything.

    1. A lot of people live like that. It’s wild.

    2. True but it does not need to be accelerated by getting the clot shot!

  4. I've warned of the dangers of weed for decades and get shot down. Weed is illegal in many countries because it's dangerous. The truth is finally starting to come out about highway deaths due to weed because it impairs driving. Just because it hasn't affect you yet doesn't mean it won't. Do you want to be on a highway with stoners?

    1. Oh please, wigga. Big pharma and the alcohol people get to you?

    2. I’m calling an emergency safety meeting… ! BTW, Have you seen the new f150 bubble wrap edition truck? It’s only 89 thousand dollars….

    3. Anon @ 5:16, if weed was as bad as smoking afa cancer, we should have seen a rapid and dramatic increase by now from all the hippies and others that have been smoking since the 60s and are now in the 60s and 70s, so much so that I believe it would be such a climb it would be major news and a health concern.
      I have looked off and on for studies by age and years with most indicating a gradual change.
      Besides the shot clot, the change to vaping would probably account for most of any recent increase.

  5. Life is a struggle most of the time, the rest is for enjoyment.
    Ain't none of us getting out of this world alive.
    Do what you enjoy and pleases you, as long as you don't injure or put others in Jeopardy.

  6. I call BS. I know people who have smoked pot daily for 50+ years and had no medical problems that weren't associated with also eating fast food every day for 60+ years.

    Hell, as soon as the first drug based on THC was approved by the FDA, marijuana should have automatically be rescheduled from Schedule I to OTC, just like nicotine.

  7. Government paid study???

  8. A) "Head and neck cancers" are oral, throat, sinus, etc. The study just indicates oral cancer risks from Ganja is about the same as Lucky Strikes and Red Man. Behold, my shocked face. It will also be unsurprising if studies eventually show that pot and Lucky Strikes have similar risks for lung cancer. A-doy! Since the legalization and predicable over-use of super-strong pot has spread, my biggest surprise was the discovery of cannabis-induced psychosis. However, more studies are needed to prove this link because everyone in California is nuts anyway.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way eat a 1/2 lb bacon cheeseburger, onion rings, a double pour of Booker's 2023-03 "Mighty Fine Batch" and will then head to the cigar shop to smoke two Padron 3000 maduros, two Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagnes, and two dealer's choice Tatuajes.

    B) The type of small cell lung cancer the Google CEO had is often overlooked and diagnosed late. She lived with it for 2 years. In other words, she was diagnosed 2 years ago and then began treatment. There's no telling how long before diagnosis the cancer started. It likely goes back 4 to 6 years, which is long before she got the ClotShot(tm). That said, I do think a link will eventually be proven between the ClotShot(tm) and the uptick in immune-related diseases like cancer.

  9. Give your lungs a break, use gummies if you want to get high. It can't be any worse than scotch or bourbon.

  10. New meaning to the phrase " ate up in the head ".

  11. Get the best you can get, smoke sparingly.


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