
Friday, August 16, 2024

Raw Vietnam War Footage - CBS News Archive

 Vietnam war footage. This is a report on a battle HILL 943 during the Vietnam war.

VIDEO HERE  (30:37 minutes)


  1. Ten days snoopin an a poopin thru the jungle. Heat rash bleeding down the backs of your legs and your pants stickin to the blood. Jungle rot, leeches and the list goes on. One thing, a little thing, it didn't show was myself and all those with me we read letters from home and burned them and the envelope. Not cool for the gooks to get your home address.

    1. can't exactly say I miss it, but things were significantly simpler then. And coming home when "they" were bringing gooks to America... well, we did a lot more than burning letters... hell, terminal 5 at LAX, inbound from Kaneohe, I came face to face with a cong motherfucker and there was recognition on both our parts. Changes were made personally once we saw that "our" .gov fucked us. Again.
      refugees my ass

  2. Must've missed it, but didn't see one commercial for jabs, gooch rotting pills, or self-injected phat phuk pens. Simpler times I guess.

  3. Nobody wants to carry the M-60 until the shooting starts...then everybody wants to be behind it.


  4. If you notice, the Doggies do not wear flak jackets. They claim that it was “too hot” for them to be “comfortable.” Little did they understand, you may be hot, but your chances of survival are far better when wearing one.


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