
Friday, August 30, 2024

Damn, and I thought I could hold a grudge

A California man will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars for the disappearance and revenge murder of a classmate who he blamed for getting him expelled from high school several years ago.


  1. Speaking of a lifetime behind bars in California, the suits in Sacramento have given up trying to pass the bill that would have given inmates serving life sentences without the possibility of parole the possibility of being released early on parole. (No, I didn't stutter or speak gibberish there. It makes perfect sense to the clowns running this state.)

    They knew they couldn't get it passed this year so they'll try it again next year when nobody's looking.

    1. Releasing them early doesn’t sound like a bad idea as long as it’s done from an appropriate altitude. Just sayin…

    2. There's been a couple of stories about just that here in La. New Orleans DA, it's always either NoLa or Baton Rouge, Williams has resentenced a few convinced felons from life w/o parole to time served and released.. Crime is out of control and this dipshit does this...

    3. Anonymous 8:22, if altitude is a problem, then attach a Safety Rope around the inmate's neck.

  2. Sounds like both of them weren't much. No problem with both of them being off the board. Although I bet he is back on the street in no time.

  3. buried her somewhere in the unforgiving San Bernardino Mountains
    The mountains don't have a monopoly on that Unforgiving thing apparently. And He is the dumbass who had a gun and was hanging out in a public place during school hours. He tossed the gun to her and told her to hide it. Well, she got busted. Did he Really expect her to take the fall, go to jail, over his gun? He shouldn't have even been pisstawff at her. But,what do ya expect from a loser?

  4. People got to learn to let it go. What ever becky said during gym class 30 years ago is almost as important today as it was back then. Anyone that carries this hate for that long has never learned to live, just hate. What a miserable existence.

  5. California sentencing makes no sense. Several years ago I was a juror in what later became famous as the OJ Simpson courthouse. The defendant was very guilty of multiple charges and his sentence was "LIfe plus 33 years." He became eligible for parole after 28 years. What? I checked this morning. He's still locked up with his next parole hearing in 2025. (We even got sequestered. There's nothing that quite matches pulling up to a restaurant in a bus otherwise used to transport prisoners.)

  6. I hate to ask, but were anyone involved, Legal citizens?


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