
Friday, August 23, 2024


Electric school buses that were supposed to cut one Maryland county school system's transit costs in half actually cost the system millions of dollars. A report by the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General found the buses were often delivered late and frequently had mechanical issues that "rendered them inoperable for extended periods." As a result, the school system had to spend more than $14.7 million to buy 90 diesel buses to cover routes. The delays and repair issues entitled the school system to more than $372,000 in penalties from the contractor, but no administrator ever pursued it.


  1. Penalties from the contractor were skipped probably because the contractor was a friend of the county school system.

    1. Maybe, but I think it's more likely DE fooken I.

  2. The reality of electric vehicles. Also, a properly maintained diesel school bus will run until doomsday. An electric one will run until the battery dies in 5-7 years, at which point it will be cheapest to just buy a new bus.


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