
Friday, August 23, 2024

Insurrection Against Corruption

When invaders come to your country and breezily walk past the guards you’re on your own. People say, “no one’s coming to save you.” They aren’t, but what does that mean? That’s where the area gets gray. My taxes pay for these things to be done, to have the guards there to ask questions, to vet those coming in and keep the bad ones out. That’s not being done. Worse, NGOs are facilitating it along with money taken from us and sent to the UN. This is all documented. Now, they intend to make as many of these illegals, these dregs, who would probably not be eligible to vote in their own countries due to crimes they’ve committed there, citizens of the United States or otherwise allow them to vote here. The statement is quite clear, they hate the American citizen so badly that they prefer foreign criminals to them.


  1. Test
    Time now 0625:EST

    I know at least two comments were previously made to this post. I don't see any.

    1. Did you not see the post between 3 and 4pm yesterday about the comments disappearing?


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