
Friday, August 23, 2024

Left-Leaning Nonprofit Reports Guaranteed Income Study Failed: People Worked Less, Got Less Money

The left-leaning National Bureau of Economic Research conducted a guaranteed income study that showed when people work less, they still have less money.

The study was titled “The Employment Effects of a Guaranteed Income: Experimental Evidence from Two U.S. States” and came out last month.

This study comes out as Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris campaigns on a $25,000 subsidy for eligible homebuyers to support down payments.


  1. Well...duh! That took a 2 year "study"?

  2. Contrary to media reports of the $25,000 home buyer subsidy increasing the price of houses, welfare dependent people will not place a legitimate offer on a house for sale. The $25,000 will go thru some sort of fraud scheme, be pocketed by all the players, and the fraudster will disappear.


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