
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Finder's keepers



  1. Looks like someone pickled a drop tank over his rice paddy.

  2. Weekend specials at DRMO.

  3. Probably scrap metal. But, seen that. Two full size refrigerators on a bike, one on each side. And most incredible, a 6 x 12 (maybe bigger) cart piled at least 5 feet high with watermelons, pulled by a single bike, going up and over a highly arched bridge over Suzhou creek. The most hysterically funny -and scary - was a guy with a standard 1A gas cylinder strapped to a bike. No cover, valve exposed, pointing backward. One good hit and he'd have been in Japan.

  4. Damn. The Amish are arming up.
    (Yes, I see that it is China)
    John in Indy


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