
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Good Morning



  1. and do not forget the PAW ! at least that what I get from the new dog every morning.
    it means he like to go out NOW ! and after he has the pressure off, he tries to cimb into my lap. just one problem, he weighs close to 100 pounds now. hey, the wife wanted and bought him. and I told her, do not let that dog get used to getting in your lap. anyway. she happy and the dog seems to be as well. so,,,,

  2. Doggie Breff but happy to see me.

  3. The Best friends I have ever had we're dogs.
    I mean willing to die for me, and vice versa.
    That's actually where my screen name originated.

  4. The only shortcoming of a dog is that they just dont live long enough

  5. Looks a lot like my Jackson.

  6. My beagle walks on the bed and bonks me in the face with his squeaky toy to wake me up.

  7. If he would just sleep past 4:00 am though, that would be great.

  8. My wife and I have four rescue German Shepherds. Two of them wake me up like this around 4 AM in order to go out and chase nocturnal animals in the backyard.

  9. Just lost my derpy Lab last week. That look was pretty much a daily thing. Miss it badly.


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