
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I-80 shut down for 16 hours thanks to a Tesla semi fire

EMIGRANT GAP, Calif. - Eastbound Interstate 80 is reopening nearly 16 hours after a Tesla Semi caught fire east of Nyack early Monday, Cal Fire said.

Drivers were being kept off the interstate for at least half a mile in both directions because the Tesla electric vehicle's battery was on fire, said Jason Lyman, a California Highway Patrol spokesperson. The toxic fumes are an inhalation danger, he said.


  1. Wait a minute; I thought these trucks were good for the environment in California.

    1. I'm sure the thousands of gallons of water used in an attempt to cool the battery pack down will have no ill effects on the downstream watercourses, as the Tesla Semi was 'Green' and was completely approved of and endorsed by our dreamy Govenor Gavin Newsom.

      BTW, he couldn't be reached for comment because he was in Chicago, endorsing dreamy Kamala Harris and her Green New Deal.

  2. Emigrant Gap, Electric semi.... that sums up this (lack of) Administration, disaster looms...

  3. The "Green New Deal": Destroying the enviornment step by step in order to save it

  4. Where are.all the people screaming about the enviroment like they do with everything else? Maybe they were busy in a meeting about paper straws being good for the enviroment.

  5. What would happen if an E-truck or car caught fire in a tunnel? Propane tanks are not allowed in tunnels but these E-vehicles can ignite at any time.

    1. That's a great point. Remember the solution when a gasoline tanker burned up in the Caldecott Tunnel years ago and incinerated people in the process? They limited the hours tankers could run in the tunnel, so that if it happened again a tanker fire would incinerate fewer people, mostly drunks after 2am when the tankers were allowed. I suppose they could do that same thing with the E-Rigs. But that won't work out after Gavie eliminates all diesel trucks, because then they'll all be E-Rigs.

      Solving this problem is above my pay grade. We better get an Associate Air Quality Technician from the California Air Resouces Board to figure out the solution to this dilemma they've created.

    2. Elmo, their next step will be eliminate trucks because people really don't need the things they carry and should invest that money in more government instead.

    3. Don't give them any ideas.

  6. The people pushing the green new deal and EV everything are intelligent. They just have different goals than we do. Look at what they are doing to cattle ranchers. Look at what they're doing to farmers. Assume they are intelligence, assume they know what they're doing, and deduce their goals.

    When has price controls ever resulted in additional supply? Consider the Harris proposal to control the price of food. It makes sense. It just doesn't align with our goals.

    1. How does her price controls make sense? Grocery store profits are razor thin now, only about 2 per cent. Something has to give. Do you think the stores will operate at a loss? Will it be the employees' wages? Nope. The truckers who deliver the food? They'll move on and find another line of work. The farmers who grow the food? They'll just sell their land to developers and retire. No matter what, it'll cause shortages.

    2. "No matter what, it'll cause shortages." And you've identified their goal.

      It makes sense because her goal is to starve the people into submission. There are a number of historical examples where revolutionaries have gone after the food supply in order to control the populace. Keep in mind, they also believe the world is over populated.

    3. Calling those people "intelligent" is an interesting take. They're not doing anything but following orders from those who own them. And price controls have never once worked out as intended. It inevitably leads to skyrocketing inflation. For recent examples of how well they work, just off the top of my head I'd say ask Turkey and Congo. The entitled kids wanting this while whining about 5% interest rates have no clue how bad it can get.

    4. "Never work as intended" ... I think that depends on what is intended. Yes, I consider them intelligent -- and I consider them evil. I believe they want the shortages; they want the bread lines; they want people to not be able to afford cars; they want you to own nothing. Some are useful idiots, but the ones at the top, the ones making the decisions, know very well the consequences of what is being proposed -- and that is their goal.

      There is a book about Stalin called "Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million". It starts off with Lenin and the destruction of the currency. After all, if the currency is worth nothing, the person with a million rubles has the same purchasing power as the person with no rubles. At that point, they can recreate society in their image (the great reset).

  7. Just wonder how many people are reading about this fire on their lithium battery phone. Wasn't that long ago one of the Samsung phones was forbidden on airlines because of its battery. There is still a limit for how big a lithium battery you can take on a plane.

  8. The future is NOW!


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