
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

A Florida man is facing a second-degree murder charge after he allegedly shot another man to death during a dispute over a handicapped parking space.


  1. He showed him. I'm sure the dude will always be proud of defending his turf against an interloper.

  2. The article never states whether Arias was or was not handicapped?

  3. One less entitled person using a handicap spot without justification. I see plenty of lazy people doing that, and using phony placards.

  4. When you're a crip, you're always a crip ...

  5. that drunk fucke,r was sitting there waiting for this moment...most of our issues today are a result of the activism that started with the handicapped entitlement attitude. Do they need accomodations? sure, but where does it end?
    the clearwater incident involved the shooter being knocked on his ass by a much larger, angry dude. Tough call, but he was looking for a confrontation, just like this clown, imo

  6. I can see how this could happen...


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