
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gun Prohibitionist’s Ultimatum Warrants Appropriate Gun Owner Response

“I would personally suggest the gun control groups develop a BATNA to help induce more good-faith negotiating,” Tom H. Hastings, Director of the Peace and Nonviolence Studies, Conflict Resolution graduate program at Portland State University and Secretary for the Oregon Peace Studies Consortium writes in the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal.

“BATNA?” Hastings asks rhetorically (“Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement”).  “It simply means that, if you are trying to negotiate with anyone, it’s important to not only think about ‘what if these negotiations fail,’ but to let the others know what you will be forced to do in that case.”

What does Hastings believe he’s “negotiating,” with whom, and what will he feel compelled to do if his demands aren’t met?


  1. Individuals such as this deserve the gift of cranial venting.

  2. No sense in puffing up and telling everyone how you'll kill them all, and die in a pile of empty brass, then they can pry it out of your cold dead hands...a simple "NO" will suffice. Let them connect the dots.

    1. A better reply would be, "Sure. How about now?"


      "And when you figuring to do this mean thing to me, Mackeson? Is this very moment convenient for you? It is for me."

    3. When it's time to shoot, shoot.

  3. No negotiations with communist or terrorists so fuck off

  4. evil little toad of an academic...

  5. Tell him to march to Concord Massachusetts and wear a red coat…

  6. From the comments, quoting MV:
    “The defense of liberty boils down to this: ‘If you try to take our firearms, we will kill you.’ That was the Founders’ answer. That is ours.” – Dutchman6

  7. Why is an Oregon knucklehead given the light of day by publicizing his anti-gun position? The Second Amendment is going nowhere. But a few commie states (e.g. NY) keep passing new laws that result in Second Amendment infringements, every time they lose in court. This kicks the can down the road another two years until the new law percolates through the court system and that is found unconstitutional. Then it's rinse and repeat.

    1. the problem IMHO is that there are no punative measures for legislators who deliberately flaut the provisions of the U.S. Constitution (as there are for those individuals who flaut this unlawful legislation)

  8. Geez…. Go to the link and check out his picture with the dyed hair, eyebrows and the dangling peace sign ear ring in his right ear…….he’ll limp wrist to death..!

    1. The dyed hair makes him easy to sight in low-light conditions.

  9. Maybe the Nips should have suggested a BATNA to McArthur back in August 1945?

  10. yeah. seen too many of his kind before. the minute they are afraid, they become your "best friend" and people wonder why I dropped the phone and didn't tell anyone where I was going.
    maybe your peace sign will keep you alive and not raped by the illegals.

  11. When Mrs. Wargo taught us about the Constitution in fifth grade Civics, she was very emphatic that none of the first ten ammendments, collectively known as "The Bill of Rights" were subject to repeal. This was originally channeled by one of my classmates asking that since Prohibition had been repealed, could not the Freedom of Religion?

    While I've never researched that concept, I've always held it as gospil.

    1. Mrs Orchard said the same thing in 4th grade, as we recited the Lord's Prayer in public school.

  12. Negotiate? Fine, my side has been conceding points since 1934. It's time the control-freaks conceded a bit. lets start with universal constitutional carry, recognition that ARs and AKs are common sporting rilfles and open carry everywhere.

  13. "...shall not be infringed." Not explaining it, go figure it out. And, "no".

  14. My hero Doc Holiday said it best, “Say When”.


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