
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Illegal Border Crossings Surpass 12.5 Million Since Biden-Harris Took Office

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released monthly border apprehension data on Friday, saying, “statistics show lowest southwest border encounters in nearly four years.” CBP also claimed illegal border crossings were down by 34% from June to July and the drop is due to a presidential proclamation issued in June. 

Troy Miller, a senior official performing the duties of the CBP Commissioner, said recent Biden-Harris policies led “to the lowest number of encounters along the southwest border in more than three years.”


To put that in perspective, the population of the State of Tennessee is a little over 7 million people.


  1. “to the lowest number of encounters along the southwest border in more than three years.”
    That happens when you confine the agents to admin tasks and keep them in the office.

  2. Cities are struggling with water before the freeloaders. Water use per day figure 4 flushes thats 7 gallons, wash clothes 1 gallon, dishes 1 gallons, drinking 1 gallon, miscellaneos (food prep, etc) 2 gallons. That is about 144 million gallons of water a day. Number of hospitals and clinics are probably close to the same. Now shove them in throughout the country.

  3. Gee, That's funny since DHS/Border Patrol have admitted with documentation, showing them giving out over 22 million single person federal ID#'s as of last December. Must be the same math they use when telling us what the Inflation rate is............

    1. Or how many jobs were created. . .

  4. More size comparisons: Ohio 11.8M, Illinois 12.5 million, Pennsylvania 13.0 million.


  5. if one tenth of the dangerous theories about what nefarious things could happen if "someone" gives the order. . . . . . . well, SPORKY is the only thing that comes to mind.

  6. And does that include the ones they're flying directly in?

  7. US allows 1million LEGAL immigrants per year.

  8. New home buyers are priced out of the market due to a housing shortage. I wonder how many houses those 11.5 million people are living in.

  9. The only thing separating Trump from 17 million invaders is that "they" convicted him.

  10. The top picture on the article looks like the Boarder Patrol are helping a squad (all wearing the same camo uniform) with their paperwork to get in the country illegally.


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