
Monday, August 19, 2024

Inflation Ticks Up in New Federal Data

Newly released federal inflation data shows that the Producer Price Index, a leading marker of inflation, rose last month.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the data, which showed a 0.1 percent increase in July, part of a 2.2 percent increase in the previous 12 months.

Notably, some goods have seen a major increase in the past 12 months, according to the data. Roasted coffee prices have increased 9.1 percent in the last year, dairy product prices rose 9.4 percent, and pork and “processed young chickens” prices rose 12.3 percent and 10.5 percent respectively.


  1. Kamala's gonna solve it by giving away free stuff. The trouble is millions of assholes will buy that.

    1. Bu-bu-but...
      Kama‐lama-ding-dong promised!

    2. The same damn way that people swooned over the Kenyan fag. But worse. A lot worse.

  2. The items rising the most will be removed from the price index. Problem solved.

    1. ^^^^ This. I pay all of the bills and do the grocery shopping. Inflation is up about 11% over the last year.

  3. In a couple on months, they will finalize the data and it will be higher.

    1. But those numbers won't be published until after the elections.

  4. Whatever they tell you it is, it's at least 7 to 10 points higher. In the last 50 or so years, "they" have changed the method of calculating inflation at least 3 or 4 times.

  5. Knuckledragger carries economic news too. Who knew? I'm still shocked by every price on every item, in every store so haven't believed the inflation numbers for a long time now.

    I have a 10 foot piece of 3" ABS pipe in my side yard. Bought in 2019 to fix a problem that never got fixed. It cost $17 bucks at Lowes. Same piece of 3" ABS pipe costs over $30 bucks now. Inflation has been huge.

  6. "Inflation Ticks"


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