
Monday, August 19, 2024

The Battle Lines of 2024’s Epic Struggle

More than a dozen jurisdictions run by Democrats—including Washington, D.C., and several adjacent Maryland municipalities—allow noncitizens to vote in some local elections. San Francisco not only permits noncitizens to vote but appointed one to serve on its Elections Commission.

Such developments, against a backdrop of millions of illegal migrants streaming into the United States under the Biden-Harris Administration, bring new urgency to debates over election integrity. Many Republicans fear that a widespread effort is afoot to give noncitizens the full benefits of citizenship, including the right to vote in all elections, on top of benefits already available to illegal aliens in some places, notably drivers licenses, food stamps, government health care, and work visas.


  1. Another example: $13,000 in EBT & $4,000 in cash for a Venezuela illegal. Citizens don't get that kind of support.


  2. It isn't just voting. Immigrants, including illegals, are counted for representation in Congress which also adds to the number of Electoral College electors a state has. So California has it's count padded by all it's illegals.


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