
Monday, August 12, 2024

Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met with Planned Parenthood, Emails Show

In March 2016, top Planned Parenthood officials in California eagerly emailed one another about an upcoming meeting with the state’s then-attorney general, Kamala Harris. The meeting carried so much import that the Planned Parenthood officials met with Harris’ staff ahead of time “to discuss prep,” emails reviewed by The Daily Signal show.

About two weeks later, on April 5, 2016, California Department of Justice authorities raided the home of a pro-life journalist in his late 20s—David Daleiden, the head of the Center for Medical Progress, who had recently published videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials gruesomely describing how they extract aborted-baby body parts. Daleiden says the videos prove that Planned Parenthood was selling the aborted baby body parts for profit.


  1. Gestapo tactics will not be ruled out by a regime intent of dominating and destroying those they see as a threat by any and all means possible. We don't live in a democratic republic now. We’ve entered the Twilight Zone, transitioned from citizens into sheep and we’re living on an Animal farm in 1984.

  2. Sadly, there will never be a shortage of L.E.O. willing to follow orders; no matter how wrong or vile. This ain't the America I grew up in. SMH.

  3. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 12, 2024 at 6:16 PM

    Woe be onto us if this woman cheats and steal her way into the WH. In that case, we're all stick a fork in us we're cooked. Bring as many voters as you can to the poll on our before election day, because you know they're going to play it dirty.

  4. She hasn't talked to the press since she took the bait.
    We know if she's not speaking, her mouth is full of someone.


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