
Monday, August 12, 2024

What Kamala Knew

At her very first campaign rally, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris defined herself, the prosecutor, in contrast to the “convicted criminal” Donald Trump. She explained that she “took on perpetrators of all kinds: Predators who abused women; fraudsters who ripped off consumers; cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

So far, most conservatives have taken the high road and restrained themselves from issuing personal attacks on their female opponent. Trump himself has yet to offer an answer to the above line. Still, Harris might wish to tread carefully.


  1. While Trump has plenty of time to get to fighting Kamala on the issues, the fact is that he needs to start very soon, because we all know that campaigning for President must be fighting for the 20% or so who will decide on their vote between now and November 5th. The left and the right are both decided and both of them will vote for whomever has the D or the R behind their name.
    He can't afford to wait for much longer, because that undecided group will be making up their minds soon, and once they do, it is likely that they won't change them again.
    The other fact is that Kamala Harris should be easy for him to attack on the issues, as they are actually pretty horrible. The Dems replaced FJB because they knew that he could not win. Trump can force that Kamala is also identified with the lousy job that FJB did, not only in things that are well known like the economy and the border issues, but the other issues that don't get the publicity. Things like getting rid of the former president Trump's rule that for every new rule enacted, they had to delete 2 others.
    The list of things that Biden did in his first 100 days of office are prime pickings to make the people understand just how bad his administration was, and we all know the second in command was Kamala. The real first in command was not FJB, but Barrack Obama, the ghost in chief.
    I have to think that no matter what happens with the election, the other side will try and start the second civil war, for real.

  2. DJT needs to hammer her on her performance as CA Attorney General... Too many issues to even outline, but she was the top dog. She was just 1 of 100 as a Senator but even that record sucks.

    And hammer, hammer on the fact that her first qualification for even appointed office was using her kneepads.

  3. Who Kamala blew, there I fixed it!
    CPO Greg

  4. I think Tampax Tim has a 50/50 chance at surviving the convention. Kamala 60/40 depending on what Barry, Nancy, and Chuck have planned. So Dem-O-crat of'em.

  5. I think Trump is smart for not using his campaign money to fight Harris when she hasn't been confirmed as the DNC nominee. Anything he uses on her he wouldn't have to fight whoever gets the nod at the convention, and if she does badly enough it won't be her.


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