
Monday, August 12, 2024

Passing the Buck

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday had a message for local governments: clean up homeless encampments now or lose out on state funding next year.

Standing in front of a cleared homeless encampment in Los Angeles, Newsom vowed to start taking state funding away from cities and counties that are not doing enough to move people out of encampments and into shelters. The governor joined the California Department of Transportation, known as Caltrans, on Thursday to clear several encampment sites in the area.


Homelessness has always been a problem in California but it blew up after Newsom took office thanks to his policies, and now he's threatening the local governments if they don't clean up the mess he created?


  1. Must be an election coming up...

    1. Well if ther is an election coming up, isn't Gabby Nuisence telling TPTB to get rid of all the democrat voters?

  2. Gavie's always a little late to the party. Kind of like it taking him two years to figure out Donald Trump might be right when he suggested California try 'raking the forest' to lessen the severity of wildfires after he initially laughed off the idea.

    BTW, did you hear he turned down the 3% cost of living increase to his $240,000 a year salary because the state is upside down financially? This was shortly before it was discovered he had created a position for a photographer to chronicle how presidential he is, at a cost of $200,000 a year to the taxpayers.

    It's good to be The King.

  3. Homeless problem in California? Let's up the ante. A 9.0 quake on the San Andreas fault quickly followed up with a 50-mile-wide meteor strike mid-state. Granted there’ll be some collateral damage, but getting rid of the bums will be well worth it.

    1. I'm for letting the CCP invade the west coast. The stampede south across the border would be biblical.

    2. I'd settle for a 9.0 quake centered on the Plumpjack Vineyard and Winery (it's within a stone's throw of Nancy Pelosi's St. Helena home) and a meteor strike on the Capitol building while Gavin is giving a speech to a joint session of the legislature.

  4. Weren't they dumping their homeless in the desert?

  5. Wasn't it just a coiple of months ago that dipshit granted healthcare for 700,000 illegal aliens ?

  6. Classic demonrat thinking. Create a problem then blame others for it and threaten them if they don't fix the problem he created.


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