
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Let's help keep Bustednuckles up and running

When I moved to this hosted site after The Great Troll Wars, I paid for 2 years of hosting out of my own pocket. As I recall it was over $500 at that time. Those prices have increased greatly and now to host this site for 1 year, the total comes to $837 and change. With WA Tax added, it will come to a little over $900. With all of my medical expenses over the last year and a half, I just can’t afford that anymore. 

As much as I really, REALLY, hate doing this, I am asking for donations to keep the lights on. If I can get close enough I will kick what I can to finish it.


  1. Those of us in this community ROCK!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. Damn.
    Thanks Kenny.
    I already hit my goal and then some. As a matter of fact, they blew through with what I actually needed in less than 12 hours!!
    I put up a post letting everyone know that they could stop but they kept sending me donations. At this point I think I have enough to cover two years of hosting.
    The people in this community are hands down some of the greatest and most generous people that I have ever personally had the pleasure of being associated with!!

    1. Too late. There's more coming. Mine will be in the mail shortly. Relax, enjoy and thanks for all you and CederQ do. And know you guys are loved. That's worth more than money.

  3. You are paying way too much as there are loads of other platforms that can host a blog for less than 100 bucks a year. I'll mail you some funds along with a list of hosting companies I use for community web sites I build as a volunteer.


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