
Friday, August 23, 2024

Low T guys need not apply

The Taliban has sacked hundreds of men from Afghanistan’s security forces because they are unable to grow beards.

Thousands of musical instruments had also been destroyed by the militant group in the past year, the notorious ministry for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice said in its annual update.

Mohibullah Mokhlis, the director of planning and legislation at the ministry, told a press conference in Kabul that “281 beardless officers were identified, confirmed and dismissed” from the country’s security services in the past 12 months.


  1. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Afghan Air. We are on final approach to Kabul International Airport. The temperature is 108 degrees. Please fasten seat belts, secure tray tables, place seats in upright position, and turn watches back 600 years.

    1. ^^that’s^^ a Shakespeare level comment! 🤣🤣

  2. We got a business opportunity here with a product available on Amazon that'll cure the beardless goat fucker’s problem.
    Muhammad can order it and the Amazon camel driver will deliver it right to the door of your mud hut.

    Minoxidil for Men Beard Growth Oil: 5% Minoxidil Beards Regrowth Treatment Kit With Biotin - Extra Strength Growing Products for Patchy Beards and Mustaches Fuller and Thicker

    1. It's that 95% inert ingredients that really does the job, though. 40% water, 30% sheepshit, and 25% Bacon Fat.

  3. And who do they have to "thank' for all of this?

  4. Generations of inbreeding has taken it's toll-
    Win-win solution: Let's send them all of our trans "women"- as long as they act like men & grow beards, they'll be employed & won't be hurled off of buildings- Everyone benefits!

  5. The ones that can't grow beards get to dress up in woman's clothes - look it up


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