
Friday, August 23, 2024

VDH Commentary: The Myriad Projections of the 2024 Campaign

Projection is a Freudian psychological term. It describes a particular defensive mechanism, when people, often unconsciously, attribute their own (usually undesirable) behaviors to others who do not have them.

These mental gymnastics are intended to alleviate one’s own guilt or sense of inadequacy at the expense of another.

Sound familiar?


  1. Well - She could easily boot Biden {Dementia} using the 25th Amendment. Then we ALL could see how well she can handle the job. What could go wrong?

    1. If you think Biden has been doing the "job" for the last 3 & 1/2 years I got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. The Globalists’ American representative aka: The Magic Negro has held the "fundamental change" reins since 2009 and it looks to be permanent.

  2. You gotta wonder that if you take away the Orange Man Bad mentality, what in the world are Harris supporters so enthused about? Record high inflation and home prices? The coming tax rate hikes when DJT's tax reductions expire? The increase of the corporate rate by 33%(customers pay that)? Installation of an unrealized capital gains tax? Higher energy costs? More wars? More billions to Zelensky?

    Loss of the reserve currency status for the dollar? The ONLY reason we still have any overseas' debts settled in dollars is because everyone else's currency(just about) is doing much worse. But keep up the insane spending and it'll happen.

    When I moved here from AR my auto insurance instantly doubled and now my auto insurance is up almost 70% in the last 2 years and I hardly drive. Another 30 million or more illegals?

    4 years ago I could buy a 50# box of lead channel for under $100. Now it's over $500. Plus another $150 to have it shipped from Seattle to me here on the Peninsula. Good Lord

    Are they nutz? Because seriously, it's like cutting your nose off to spite your face x100.


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