
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ninth Circuit Court Shuts Down California’s One-Gun-A-Month Law

A panel of three judges in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the stay against the injunction on California’s one-gun-a-month law. The injunction is now wholly in place, blocking California from enforcing its gun control scheme to bottleneck the process of acquiring firearms.


  1. And after this law is reversed, they will just pass another that will again bottleneck firearms purchases and buy 3 more years while the challenge percolates through the court system.

    1. Which just goes to prove the Democrat Liberals are smart and dedicated to their principles while Republicans are "let's just get along and play fair".

    2. They've effectively already done that with the passage of an 11% excise fee on guns and ammunition to supposedly fund 'gun violence research'. So between that and sales tax, when you buy a gun in California you'll be giving the state almost 20% of the value of the gun you're purchasing. The suit challenging the constitutionality of that law is already working its way through the courts.
      This crap never ends.

    3. Yep. Post Bruen, NYS went from "a good and substantial reason" to be issued a carry permit to "demonstrate good moral character".
      Lather, rinse, repeat.

  2. And the whiny AG will come up with some other attack on guns or just ignore the court.

  3. The wording on that is a tongue twister. And, yes, the ruling power in CA will find another way to slow the sale of firearms.

  4. It will go to the En Banc panel wuth specific hand picked liberal judges to over turn it.

  5. It is time to sue bonta boi for taking away our constitutional rights.

  6. I knew a guy that knew a guy that knew a guy that worked a real similar schedule to me (or so I heard, third hand and all) that used to bring goodies to folks trapped back there any time his job sent him into Cali in the last few years.

    He called them Freedom Felonies, as I recall (again, third hand) .



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