
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Presidential Race Swings Six Points in Two Weeks, Catapulting Trump to Lead and Ending Harris Surge

Support in the presidential race has swung six points since the beginning of the month, catapulting former President Donald Trump back into a narrow lead after Vice President Kamala Harris had surged with her surprise entrance atop the Democrat ticket, according to a new poll released Friday.

The survey of 3,000 likely voters by Napolitan News and veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen showed Trump leading Harris 46% to 45%.


  1. Gotta be too big to rig mah knickers!

  2. Not surprising KH hasn't won any election at this point other than maybe one in CA which does not count.

    1. CA elections are non-existent. All decided in backrooms by demons.

    2. All decided by the suction pressure...

  3. Polls can be deceiving and even be a smoke screen for nefarious activity. I just saw this on another site:

  4. The Babylon Bee: "Study Finds Polls Are Only Accurate When Your Candidate Is Ahead"

  5. Polls are like lies for the democrats. Once you repeat them 5 times, they are the truth in mainstream media (pravda)

  6. I worry. The polls are meaningless.

  7. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 20, 2024 at 5:42 PM

    Remember the 2016 election when nearly all the pollsters had Hitliary winning by a huge margin? Then election night came and rescued us.
    I'm not saying we should lay back and expect a red wave, but this is probably a "do or die" election as far as the survival of our country is concerned.

    1. Agree with your last. If we lose this one we won't get our country back without a war.

  8. The only surge was in harris's mouth...

  9. I kind of wish the polls had stayed up for Harris longer into the election cycle. At least until after the DNC, not too late to replace both of them. And those two are unelectable.

    1. It's "Erection Cycle" damn it !

  10. Trump was only ever behind in polls that way over sampled Demonrats and the wishful thinking of the MSM inventing stories about him being behind. The Demonrats are scared shitless of him winning because they think that he's going to exact some tribute for the bullshit they've been putting him through for the last nine years. That's also the reason they forced Bribem out because they know that he's liable to be prosecuted for all of the bribes and other crimes they've been able to define on him. The dementia is just a convenient excuse to get him out before MAJOR calamity befalls him and the party. Just hope to god that they are thwarted in their efforts to steal another one. God help us if Kamel Toe is installed. That clown will be the end of the USA.



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