
Thursday, August 01, 2024

Some people's kinks, I swear

A man who stuffed a live eel up his backside was left in agony when the sharp-toothed sea creature tried to bite its way out of his digestive tract.

Horrified medics in Vietnam discovered the 26-inch long eel in X-ray scans taken to diagnose the cause of his pain on July 27, local media reports.


  1. worked ER X-ray for years on 2nd and 3rd shift and I saw a LOT of weird shit that people do to themselves , but that is a new one to me. kind of funny in a way as if you tell people shit like this, they never believe you unless you have a copy of the film.
    even then, it hard to believe some of the things people do. not for the faint of heart .

  2. They never said how that eel got in there. Was he swimming without a bathing suit or what? Was it sushi that he ate several months ago?

    1. He was walking across his living room -naked- and "fell on it."
      It's always, "I fell on it."

    2. Naw, he was changing a lightbulb and fell off the ladder.

  3. He must have fell ob the lemon too.....gross

  4. These eels are known for eating cancerous polyps. He probably refused a colonoscopy.

  5. Lemon with fish is a given

  6. Was the lemon to help with the cancerous polyps? Asking for a friend.

  7. A lemon? That's over the line!

  8. There's a picture on the Internet of a Great Blue Heron flying with an eel coming out of its stomach after swallowing it without killing it. The bird was found later, dead.

  9. "Todays special: fresh eel in lemon sauce"- Sign at Chinese restaurant next to hospital dumpster-

  10. I remember the gerbil story from the first age of public access internet...
    Priceless quote from the article:
    "'People should absolutely not insert animals through their anus to create a strong sensation, as the consequences can be severe.'"
    Was the eel consulted? Consensual and all.
    -Just a Chemist

  11. We should have a picture of this freaky deak so we’ll know to run like hell if we see him. Bad bored I guess


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