
Monday, August 05, 2024

Sometimes you just gotta let shit go, partner

A man is behind bars in Harris County accused of shooting his estranged wife's male friend to death.

Court officials told ABC13 that Kerry Cunningham, the man charged with murder, was too combative to appear in court on Tuesday.


Yeah, you sure showed her. Here you are looking at sitting in a cell for the next 20 years or so while she's putting on her make-up getting ready to hit the clubs.


  1. A lot of us have considered something like this but you better think about who you think is gonna be the first person they look at.

  2. Should've thanked him for taking her off his hands.

  3. If you're going to do in someone involved in a cheating situation it should be the one you're actually involved with...... Or both

  4. Some women leave a trail of angry men in their wake for sport.

  5. The traits unique only to human's "Emotionally Reacting" and "Instant Gratification" are common to all prople. Some control them better than others.

  6. You are still Californication thinking. Capitol murder- either life without parole or death. Along with murder he was committing a felony. So combined a capitol offense. Welcome to Texas!

  7. I would cheerfully shoot the sonofabitch who has lived with my wife since two years after our divorce. First, because he was her divorce lawyer and began a sexual relationship with her shortly after the proceeding started, and kept her on point while she and I talked it over, then moved in with her and our children. Second, because he's been a foul-mouthed tyrannical son of a bitch to my children while they were minors. Last, because he's the same type of son of a bitch to my now-four-year-old granddaughter. The *only* things that have kept me from killing him are knowing that I would only ever see my children again through a plexiglas window, and maybe having to ride the needle.


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