
Monday, August 05, 2024

When your dick is too fucking big

Aside from Leon Marchand, who clinched his fourth swimming gold medal yesterday, another French athlete, 21-year-old pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati, has become an instant viral phenomenon after an incident involving his crotch.

Ammirati missed his target height and knocked down the pole with his bulge on Saturday, which caused him to fail his qualifying track for the final. The scene left commentators scrambling to find words but it quickly sparked memes and jokes all over social media.


  1. He was gonna DQ anyway. He hit the bar with his knees on the way over after the turn. The dick brush just made it official.


  2. Faggots all over the world watching the event began to quiver and sweat

    1. LMAO!! I hadn't even considered that. Damned near snorted coffee onto the keyboard!

  3. Inga: He would have to have an enormous schwanstucker!

    Dr Frankenstein: (pauses) Of course.

    Inga: Woof!

    Igor: He’ll be very popular with the ladies.

  4. "Hey - I was excited to be finally competing for a medal and look what happened !! I should get a medal for increasing the TV footage for pole vault looks by 100x alone !"

  5. We have a new "agony of defeat".

  6. If the ladies in Olympic village didn’t know who he was before, they are lining up to know him now.

  7. Dumb fuck would have won if he'd worn a jock strap instead of wanting the world to see the imprint of his dick on his shorts.


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