
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Subverting the American Family

A recent Pew study found that less than half of Americans (39 percent) believe that “society should prioritize marriage and having children.” The sentiment is not consistent across the electorate. Among Democratic supporters, 81 percent believe society should have other priorities, while 59 percent of Trump supporters believe that marriage and children are important for society.


  1. The most popular name in the 39% class is Karen. Nuff said!

  2. There's a lot of words there so I'll summarize my thoughts on the subject...
    Men are mostly conservative leaning while women are getting more liberal. Differences can be worked out but when the divide is as large as it is the juice is not worth the squeeze anymore
    Most men can do well without a woman in their lives where women need the comforts men have built and provided throughout history

    1. MGTOW in other words.

      63 % of the 20 to 30 year olds in the US do not date.

    2. I've never put a name on it but yeah I suppose so...
      I'm not anti women or couples but I see it more often since hildabeast ran for office. That whole girl power/believe all women bullshit.
      I'm in my mid 60s and see it in my age group more often

    3. 63% of 20-30 year olds are out of shape fatties that the opposite sex finds repulsive.
      MGTOW is gay and an absolute dead-end.

    4. Anonymous @ 9.02. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one

  3. The traditional American, Christian based culture is finito, kaput and there's no going back to a 2 parent (man-woman) with a couple kid family where daddy goes to work every day in the only family car and mommy stays home to raise the kids. Maybe that wasn't a ideally realistic image, but the pendulum has swung back to the progressive firewall and it looks like it's now frozen in place. We have to remember we commoners who are addicted to accumulating material goods for the sake of pleasure and comfort are all manipulated by a small percentage of power hungry oligarchs who have all the material goodies they need so now it’s about fucking with us for their amusement and to prove they’re omnipotent kings.

  4. Men can always find a willing woman for a short term. Just hang out somewhere they congregate and you will see it. Most of them that are desperate are well past the best used by date, but any port in a storm is ok.

  5. Let the Democrats stop breeding and run themselves into extinction. Fuck'em. Seal the deal by telling them they can't adopt kids or be within 500 yards of one. They have revealed what they are all about, and they deserve zero sympathies.
    Yes, I said that.

  6. Those who bring up productive children will ensure the future. Draw your own conclusions.

  7. dog parks replaced kid parks, dogs in baby strollers, new apt complexes have dog salons, busses for taking dogs to a dog person, they are irreplaceable but the societal shift in young folks skipping real parenthood for dog babies is just as bizzare as the limitless gender bullshit

    1. Some people just aren't parenting material - me for one. I'm 65 years old and have no kids, and no paternal instincts whatsoever. Luckily I figured that out at a young age and I'm fine with it.

    2. I’m with Kenny on this.
      I don’t like kids, never wanted any. If I can’t see, hear and especially smell them, that’s perfect.
      I know plenty of normal, well adjusted folks that are raising families. I don’t need to be a part of it. I’ll just pet my dog and throw a ball for him.

    3. I can handle other people's kids - for a couple hours. I just don't have the patience for children.
      Back when I was in my 20s, I wouldn't even date women if they had kids which narrowed the field like crazy.

  8. Lawyers are killing marriage. I have no idea why someone would get married now. The spouse is responsible for actions and finances of the other spouse. IRS debt, car crashes, business failures, murders, auto accidents, etc. Best just to live together. If you partner has bad luck, tell them you are just dating. Do not share bank accounts.

  9. ken, i hear ya....wasnt referring to you, there's always been folks that decide (or can't) have chirrens....but it was a far smaller group than what we're seeing now

    1. The one thing I am eternally grateful for is me realizing that I have no paternal instincts BEFORE I had kids.

  10. I suspect the other priority is "Me." As in, the government should spend more money on me. Not even me and mine because mine might take something away from me.


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