
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

One in Three Jobs Biden Admin Announced over Course of a Year Didn’t Actually Exist, Revisions Show

Over a third of the more than 3 million jobs the Biden administration announced were added in initial reports between April 2023 and March 2024 did not actually exist, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Including monthly revisions, the Biden administration overstated the number of jobs in the U.S. economy by 1.18 million in the year through March, accounting for approximately 36% of the 3.24 million jobs initially claimed, according to data from the BLS calculated by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The massive revision, along with a disappointing July jobs report that showed the U.S. economy adding 61,000 fewer nonfarm payroll jobs than economists anticipated, has heightened fears of a recession.


  1. And main stream media went along with it for a year and kept it hidden away from us, and is now telling us that "Harris will do such a good job...just like Biden".

  2. That 1 in 3 include a Kamala Blow job?

  3. The tree keeps getting shaken, more bad shit falls out of it for everyone to see, and yet people either don't care or think it's being "made up." It's friggin crazy when this sort of thing is pointed out and instead of just attempting to hold the current regimes feet to the fire, there's a few sub-commitee meetings, some bullshit press conferences, and appearances on Sunday morning talk shows saying how it's all unprecedented! People better wake up, pay attention, and get ready! When this house of cards comes crashing down, none of us will believe what's happening!

  4. And, just this morning, there was a guy on the radio who's voting for Harris for no other reason than he can't stand Trump's personality.

  5. This is the latest of 3.5 years of job reports being revised downward.

    1. Or the last 235 years that this government has been hiding or lying to the citizens.

  6. Ode to American ignorance. Lying lefties aren’t the biggest problem. The f’ing fools who vote for them are. You can’t fix stupid and being old isn’t so bad considering where this once great nation is headed.


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