
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Take your pick

Gov. Henry McMaster has weighed in on the South Carolina Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the state’s three methods of execution.

The state’s highest court, in a nearly 100-page opinion, upheld the firing quad, electric chair and lethal injection, along with the state’s death penalty itself, are legal.


  1. What ever happened to a good old fashion hanging?

  2. If the point of the exercise is to make the person 'dead', why do we quibble so greatly on the method? Dead is dead. I agree it should not be 'cruel and unusual', but the goal of 'death' is not achieved peacefully, even when it is. You're KILLING someone. That is an inherently violent act. Just get it done quickly and with less mess. Cheap would be good too, since we don't charge the inmate like in Chy-na.


    1. I believe death for the murderer shouldn't be any cleaner or less painful than it was for their victim.
      They earned it.

    2. There seems to be more concern for criminals than victims in this country. It's sickening and disgusting.

  3. Put a SCUBA mask on them, then hook it up to a nitrogen cylinder. They'll be unconscious by the second breath and dead within 2 minutes. Nitrogen asphyxiation is one of the biggest silent killers in the chemical industry. Not as cheap as reusable rope or a .22 short to the back of the skull, but still not very expensive and the mask can be reused multiple times.

    1. Could just hook that mask up to a trucks exhaust pipe

  4. I’m no fan of the death penalty since the courts are no more honorable or accurate than any government operation but a 9mm to the back of the head is quick and costs less than fifty cents.

    1. Just to get that bullet ready to fire, tens of thousands of dollars have already been spent. All in all, I'd say $100k and that's if everything goes alright, i.e., no court challenges and what have you.

  5. Public stonings. Only stones bought at the event can be used to offset incarceration costs. Fun for everyone, almost everyone.

  6. Throw them into Zoo pits with carnivorous predators.

  7. We have loads and loads of fentanyl. What the hell?


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