
Friday, August 16, 2024

Talk about adding insult to injury

A carjacking victim in Mississippi says he is frustrated after going through a lengthy process to retrieve his car and belongings from police.

Micheal Ransom says it was a standard night at work at area Shell station when things turned into a nightmare.


  1. Jackson is the shithole of Mississippi

    1. Actually Mississippi is a pretty cool state overall, the good ol boys and girls are righteous and lots of fun to hang with...

    2. Anonymous 12:38, Oh I agree; I've been over a good part of it, but I've noted where you have high concentrations of Democrats in charge and high melanin content (and high melanin-content Democrats in charge) you have problems.
      In the areas where you have a high concentration of good ol' boys and girls, yeah, it's pretty decent.

  2. He'd been better off if the jacker(s) had hit a wall at 110mph, been killed in a fiery conflagration and totaled his car. At least he’d have the satisfaction of knowing the thieves were crispy critters.

    1. And knowing where his wallet, ID and phone were.

      For me the money quote of the whole article:
      "Ransom says one of the men pulled a gun on him and demanded the keys to his 2004 Nissan Armada."
      I don't know who was worse off, the carjackers or Ransom, who had to pay $150 to get his car back. For $150, I'd have to think long and hard about saying, "Naw. Fuck you. Keep it."
      And I'd bet Jackson Police Deputy Chief Sequerna Banks and the tow company have "an arrangement" about towing and impounding, because "Jackson is the shithole of Mississippi."

  3. Thats Jackson for ya. Had a minor car accident a couple months ago. After waiting a hour for the police to show up we said fuck it exchanged info and let the insurance companies figure it out. Also you now see the capitol police taking over the better areas of Jackson with the results you would expect from taking the policing responsibility from the city in those areas.

  4. That's yer problem right there, slick. The po-lice held the car for [Micheal] Ransom.

  5. Jackson has some very good medical facilities but they sure need them. Lots of meanness as my old granny would say.

  6. The impound lots are complete scams and I seriously wonder about how much kick-back they give to the local po-po. Son parked in the wrong location at an apartment complex, ~11 pm at night. Within 30 minutes it was towed. Not long enough for someone to call and complain and dispatch a truck - the truck was right there onsite waiting. Of course the impound lot charges by the day and we didn't get an answer as to which impound lot it was at for several days. And yeah, the 11:30 pm counted as the first day too. It was something like $450 to get vehicle back. Fuck the impound lots.


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