
Friday, August 16, 2024

Cue ominous voice: "It's not a matter of if, but when....."

California could be at risk of a generation-defining massive earthquake, according to geophysicists, following 2024's record number of mini-quakes across the state.

The warning comes just days after a 4.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the greater Los Angeles area on Monday emanating from a site close to LA's Chinatown.

'2024 has had more earthquakes than any year we've seen since 1988,' Caltech geophysicist Dr Lucy Jones told reporters. 'We should expect this to continue.' 


  1. Keep praying Red staters. I doubt the resulting tsunami will make it past the Mississippi. Of course if ole Yellowstone jumps in all bets are off.

  2. Look up Dutch Sinse. That guy is a little weird but the hypothesis is pretty sound. A lot of his stuff gets removed or deleted so maybe he’s on to something.

    That said, hundreds of quakes are release of pressure and tension, which is good. A lack of activity is something that you should watch out for

    1. Anon, that is exactly what I kept telling my first wife regarding our sex life or lack there of.

  3. ...and a giant oar fish washed up dead off of San Diego yesterday or the day before. The Japanese believe that oar fish are a harbinger of doom. A dozen or so washed up on the shores of Japan just before that devastating quake and tsunami in 2011.


  4. Is a 4.4 magnitude earthquake strong enough to "rock" anything? The Richter scale is logarithmic, and 4.4 is relatively far down in the mud, seems like. Pretty sure I've slept through similar 'quakes.

  5. We get those 'The big one is overdue' notices regularly here in New Zealand. Anonymous at 10:05; depends on how close to the surface it is.

    Michael in Nelson

  6. It's just CYA. They have to scream "Gloom and Doom" to get their funding. If it happens they claim victory and say "Told You", if it doesn't the model they rely on need tweaking. See hurricane warning predictions and how they are wrong.

  7. And not once was it blamed on climate change!

    1. Nonsense. It was White Supremacy, the Russians and Trump's fault.


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