
Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Social Security number of every American may have been stolen in Florida company data breach

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Social Security number of every American may have been stolen in a huge computer hack, and a Florida company is at the center of it.


  1. Eh, did anybody really trust the government to keep that data private in the first place? IIRC, they'll send it all to you on a DVD for a $5 fee.

    At least in Colorado I know they do.

    And that's kinda the way it's supposed to be anyway - the government shouldn't have or keep private data, and all data the government has should be available to the public. That's what FOIA requests are all about. And IMHO, 99% of the "redacted" information from such requests is redacted to cover up crimes the government and/or politicians have committed.

    John G.

  2. So, some evil scum stole something important in their scheme from another bunch of evil scum. Was that the plan all along, considering the devil is trying to become omniscient and omnipresent? And who do we turn to to reverse this, or prevent it happening again? And anyway, what is this social security, whose society and what security? The end will come when they say "peace and safety", as it is written....sudden destruction. Be on your guard...

  3. Watch for the government to offer safe, secure & convenient "monitoring" now.

  4. Back in simpler times, we used our full SSN as our student ID in college, writing it for all the world to see on every paper, quiz sheet and final exam we turned in. Exam grades were posted outside every prof's office by SSN rather than name, for "privacy". But we all knew one another's numbers, since they were so easily available. As it now stands, the SSN is dead as a security measure for identification purposes, no more secure than your name or current address.

    1. It was my serial number when I was in the army and part of my mailing address back in the late 70s.
      Sp/4 Kenneth Lane
      Co B 44th Signal BN
      APO NY NY O9227

    2. I still have my original SS card. Printed in all caps is, NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION

    3. Ken, that looks like the information we had to put on a check we were writing at at the Commissary or the Navy Exchange.
      (But this was thirty years ago.)

  5. How many times are they going to steal them. It is not like they are changing.

  6. I renew a fraud alert every 6 months.

    1. I'm going to do that. Everyone should also place a credit freeze on their accounts with the three reporting companies (Equifax, Transunion, Experian). No one will be able to open a credit line in your name if you do that.

    2. Good idea Sammy. I'm shooting for never having to ask for credit again.

  7. All PII for all government security clearances were stolen/hacked per our government in 2015. I personally think it was sold to China by the obamy/xiden cabal.

  8. So now how many of the illegal invaders are going to be using my SSN to sign up for more free stuff?


  9. Fun Fact: At one time the idiots in Massholistan used your SSN as your driver's license number.
    - WDS

  10. The same doctors who promised the Covid vax was safe and effective, insist my medical records are safe and secure. Yeah, right. It's only a matter of time before hackers put all of our medical records on the net. THAT is why I'm reluctant to tell doctors anything.

  11. I wonder if there's a connection here:

  12. I'm taking this one seriously, because for the first time I have found my own data in the dump. I've worked hard for more than 40 years to obscure my SSN, but banks require it and sure enough they've let it leak. There's data in this dump going back 30 years or more. You can check it here if you care to.


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