
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Biden speaks on the stakes of the 2024 election, and on his place in history

In his first interview since withdrawing from his re-election bid last month, President Biden told "CBS Sunday Morning" that he made his decision, in part, so that the Democratic Party could fully concentrate on what he believes is an urgent task at hand: preventing former President Donald Trump from regaining the White House.


TLDR; "We'll burn this Nation to the ground to keep Trump from becoming President again."


  1. There is no one word than can fully describe my hatred and loathing of any democrat! With a straight face they will tell you they want to thwart the will of the people through a democratic vote. They do not care that the majority of citizens want DJT back in the White House - they will kill him if they have to to prevent that from occurring.

    1. You don't hate and loathe them enough.

      This is the only place I could find this full clip.
      Skip the long ad if it comes up.

    2. Why did I just watch that!

  2. Indeed. It is a shame Buy-Dem wasn't hanged as a traitor or stoned to death with day-old cowpats thirty years ago....but that should serve as a symptom of the rot.

  3. Complete fluff and Bull Shirt. Carefully written just for him. He had two weeks to practice.

  4. Hope Biden and St. Beau have a reunion ASAP-

  5. yeah, I keep getting the feeling they willing to do almost anything to keep him out.
    kind of weird how CNN was showing LIVE the rally in Bulter when they NEVER cover his rallies ? kind of like when they where there to watch and film the raid on Roger Stone's house
    now isn't it ? the assholes are afraid he will show the country just how much was stolen by the clowns in DC. also why I think a lot of them will not retire as they fear going to prison after stepping down from their power. anymore I tell people if old Vlad was to nuke DC, he would be doing the country a big favor ! weird is now a lot of people agree with me on this.

    1. As I've said before, if DC were nuked, I'd only regret the loss of the museums.

  6. The Deep State must be deathly afraid of something.

  7. And, why didn't Biden step down before the primaries and allow all democrat candidates a chance at trial by fire to pick the best candidate? Someone owns Joe and calls the shots.

  8. 2024 Election. Keep telling yourself that.

  9. His place in history is the worst president with out doing anything as president. His handlers did it all.


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