
Thursday, August 15, 2024

A 'Reformist' Legal Expert Calls for a Surveillance State

Principled advocacy of liberty is hard, we get it. Many of us find something so offensive or irksome that all live-and-let-live sentiments evaporate. For former criminal defense attorney Dana Bazelon, now policy director for reformist Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner and lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, that issue is guns and the violence she attributes to them. She's discarded concerns about government abuses to endorse a wide-reaching surveillance state.


  1. The government will sell more surveillance to the public under the guise, "You'll be safer the more we watch you" and as I've said before the majority of people will gladly trade their liberty for the promise of government safety. it a classic example of how control freak tyrants put you in chains with your cooperation.

  2. Why does a district attorney need a policy director?

    1. Well DUH! Because following the law is raciss n shit.
      When minorities rob, rape and murder it’s an expression of oppression by whyte pepo.
      It’s all our fault that blackNbrown gangs kill each other, get arrested and go to prison. Those guns you and I own are the REAL problem.

  3. Sorry. Nothing good comes out of the office of Soros supported DA Larry Krasner. Nice try.

  4. How about instead of watching everyone, and having the attitude that EVERYONE is a potential criminal, why not just go after the guys who are really violent & dangerous to others.
    Politicians, for instance.
    Scary thought, I know.

  5. Isn’t Larry Krasner a Soros bought and paid for piece of shit? I try not to be surprised by the stupid things critters like that say.


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