
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Biden Energy Department’s Claim It Replenished Strategic Petroleum Reserve Misleading, Expert Says

When the Department of Energy announced that it had successfully replenished the nation’s stockpile with the total purchased volume of 40 million barrels, the announcement had some people scratching their heads.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), as the stockpile is called, contained over 630 million barrels of crude oil when President Biden took office in January 2021. Last week, it had less than 376 million barrels. How did the DOE refill the SPR with only 40 million barrels?


  1. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know!

    (waves hand)

    They lied.

    (sits back down)

  2. One of the traits of sociopaths is the ability to successfully convince people that lies are truth and truth are lies. It's all spelt out in Orwell's books, but obviously 50+% of the population haven't read them or they're too distracted by the lies constructed free stuff they've been promised. Emotional reacting, Instant gratification make Big Brother’ job a walk in the park.

  3. They lied, no accountability.

  4. Pants on fire....

  5. They prolly filled it by reducing the “official” capacity to whatever happened to be in it. Boom! 100% !

  6. A democrat just has to say it and the main stream media treats it as the absolute truth. 45% believe it.

  7. Chocolate rations increased to 20 from 30 grammes.

  8. If Trump wins, he should refill using their budget.

  9. Misleading? It's a flat out lie. But then FJB has been in the business of lying all of his worthless life.

  10. Obama's new math and Biden's inability to calculate anything but the next ice cream lick.

  11. See how great the new math is?
    We can use it on barrels of oil, & votes!

  12. How to fill the reserve so fast? Easy. Use the same line of twisted thinking that Ol' Slick Willie used to create a "balanced" budget by adding in future "projected income." Energy Department can fill the SPR using "projected" oil that's still sitting under Alaskan permafrost.


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