
Thursday, August 29, 2024

University of Kentucky to Shut Down DEI Office

In the latest blow for the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) movement, the University of Kentucky has announced that it will be shuttering its DEI offices.

As reported by Breitbart, the University of Kentucky follows multiple other schools in Texas, Florida, and Alabama who have already taken the step of shutting down official DEI practices on-campus, where school administrators would facilitate the discrimination of student applicants and faculty hires on the basis of race and gender.


  1. Are the unisurbaties shutting DIE a response to SCOTUS blocking jopedo's attempt to expand Tile IX?

  2. Reading the article the university just renamed the office, dropped some training (to be renamed later) and said applicants won't need to write a “diversity statement” (to be renamed later).

  3. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 29, 2024 at 4:15 PM

    I thought the US decided as a country that discrimination based on color or sex was something to avoid. Too bad the Libs didn't get the message and wasted 1,000's of careers and millions of dollars!

  4. I hope they are truly ending it, not moving the duties around to camouflaged spots.

    And it's really quite simple: If you want to end discrimination, STOP DISCRIMINATING.

  5. Good, our new governor is making leftists cry all over the state... Give em hell Gov Landry


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